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PC utiltities, file manipulators, disk managers, DOS aids, and other PC tools.
Guests: Ed Tolson, SoftLogic Solutions; Dale Sinor, Executive Systems; Karen Lund, Tele-Ware; Robert Hoffman, Ashton-Tate; Ezra Shapiro, BYTE Magazine; Jay Eisnelohr, Airus; Gary Kildall, Digital Research; George Morrow, Intelligent Access
Products/Demos: Sidekick, Norton Utilities, Sideways, Double DOS, Disk Optimizer, Xtree & HOT, Above Disc, Détente. Originally broadcast in 1986. Copyright 1986 Stewart Cheifet Productions.
Guests: Ed Tolson, SoftLogic Solutions; Dale Sinor, Executive Systems; Karen Lund, Tele-Ware; Robert Hoffman, Ashton-Tate; Ezra Shapiro, BYTE Magazine; Jay Eisnelohr, Airus; Gary Kildall, Digital Research; George Morrow, Intelligent Access
Products/Demos: Sidekick, Norton Utilities, Sideways, Double DOS, Disk Optimizer, Xtree & HOT, Above Disc, Détente. Originally broadcast in 1986. Copyright 1986 Stewart Cheifet Productions.
- Contact Information
- stewart@cheifet.com
- Addeddate
- 2007-06-12 23:48:04
- Closed captioning
- no
- Collectionid
- 405
- Color
- color
- Identifier
- Utilitie1986
- Numeric_id
- 2888
- Proddate
- 10/17/1986
- Sound
- sound
- Type
- MovingImage
- Year
- 1986
Hasan Salim
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July 4, 2024
Subject: Utility Programs and the Magic of Memory Resident Programs
Subject: Utility Programs and the Magic of Memory Resident Programs
The report starts by showing 'Tops', a utility used to transfer text files from IBM to Macintosh. To change size of graphics they used 'Wheel' utility and to support PS they used 'template' utility.
Ed Tolson, SOFTLOGIC demonstrated a Memory Resident program named Disk Optimizer that keep files content stored on contiguous areas on the disk (i.e. disk de-fragmenter) for fast processing of the files. The program can show which files are contiguous and which not. 'Double DOS' is a Memory Resident (MR) program can show you two screens allowing to do two different things under DOS environment
Dale Sinor, EXECUTIVE SYSTEMS, demonstrate 'xtree' program (cost US$ 49.95) can show the tree of directory structure and allows delete, sort, copy, and view among other things. 'hot' is intelligent menuing system it build menus for you automatically based on the programs in your hard disk. It put them according to their types.
A report from Wendy Woods about Vernon Buerg a prolific programmer who wrote many utilities for IBM PCs and give it for free. He is well know for developing 'LIST' program from the 1980s till mid 1990s. It allows viewing files from DOS level without text editor program. He develop the programs in BASIC and assembly language. People can call him for the programs or access it through a BBS running 24 hours a day (What a legend). He provide the programs for free because writing it is fun.
Karen Lund, TELE-WARE, presents a 'above disk' program to handle limit of 640 KB memory. It demonstrate a spreadsheet large to not load in 640KB by using a program which can simulate disk space or Extended Memory as Expanded Memory (WOW, hope I had that when I was a student :( ).
Robert Hoffman, Ashton-Tate, presented a package of programs that cost US$ 89.95 to do many things. He presented a module for screen control. He also presented 'D-Repair' to repair corrupted data base files.
Jay Eisenlohr, AIRUS, presented a MR program (US$ 75.00) that enhances DOS by tracking every single character typed at the prompt and tries to predict what the user is trying to do and provided him/her with feedback through menus that show files and programs. The program help the user avoid getting errors. The program is very customizable and has many dictionaries that might be turned On/Off.
Ezra Shapiro, BYTE, suggests the above program is for novice users rather than the pro users who might got annoyed by the program blocking their way.
George Morrow, INTELLIGENT ACCESS, suggest that computer are in their infancy and needs many programs to help user do stuff. He suggests that in the future tings will be much easier with computers.
In the Random Access file:
+ IBM had declined profits for two consecutive years.
+ ETA10 of ETA, a super computer that is 40 times faster than Cray-2 is introduced.
Software Review with Paul Schindler: Paul demonstrated 'SERVTECH' (US$ 50.00), a program that shows you the switch setting of your switches and their location and shows you disassembly advice and where the screws where located in the IBM PC and it also provides some diagnostics and repair suggestions.
+ Microsoft removed copy protection of Excel and other Macintosh.
+ Captain Mid-night, a hacker named Pink Floyd breaks into many UNIX systems in Stanford and MIT. He is suspected to be graduate student. He notifies system admins before he break-in the system (How dare he?).
A very lengthy review, I am afraid, and it looks like a description rather than a review ;) I tried to be accurate but cannot guarantee all my statements are correct and described what is being shown in the program.
Anyways, hope it is useful and give people an idea of what is inside this episode of The Computer Chronicles. The MR programs is quite fascinating back in the 1980s (It was during 1990s for me, Yes I was too late to the party). Using MR look like magic, you presses a key and you get a calender or an editor to write a note. All that under DOS single process OS. I hoped the episode had covered SideKick from Borland and Norton Utilities from Peter Norton, but may be those programs were quite established software at that time and they wanted to show something different. Strange how all these software became obsolete within not too many years.
If you read till here, thanks a lot for your time.
Ed Tolson, SOFTLOGIC demonstrated a Memory Resident program named Disk Optimizer that keep files content stored on contiguous areas on the disk (i.e. disk de-fragmenter) for fast processing of the files. The program can show which files are contiguous and which not. 'Double DOS' is a Memory Resident (MR) program can show you two screens allowing to do two different things under DOS environment
Dale Sinor, EXECUTIVE SYSTEMS, demonstrate 'xtree' program (cost US$ 49.95) can show the tree of directory structure and allows delete, sort, copy, and view among other things. 'hot' is intelligent menuing system it build menus for you automatically based on the programs in your hard disk. It put them according to their types.
A report from Wendy Woods about Vernon Buerg a prolific programmer who wrote many utilities for IBM PCs and give it for free. He is well know for developing 'LIST' program from the 1980s till mid 1990s. It allows viewing files from DOS level without text editor program. He develop the programs in BASIC and assembly language. People can call him for the programs or access it through a BBS running 24 hours a day (What a legend). He provide the programs for free because writing it is fun.
Karen Lund, TELE-WARE, presents a 'above disk' program to handle limit of 640 KB memory. It demonstrate a spreadsheet large to not load in 640KB by using a program which can simulate disk space or Extended Memory as Expanded Memory (WOW, hope I had that when I was a student :( ).
Robert Hoffman, Ashton-Tate, presented a package of programs that cost US$ 89.95 to do many things. He presented a module for screen control. He also presented 'D-Repair' to repair corrupted data base files.
Jay Eisenlohr, AIRUS, presented a MR program (US$ 75.00) that enhances DOS by tracking every single character typed at the prompt and tries to predict what the user is trying to do and provided him/her with feedback through menus that show files and programs. The program help the user avoid getting errors. The program is very customizable and has many dictionaries that might be turned On/Off.
Ezra Shapiro, BYTE, suggests the above program is for novice users rather than the pro users who might got annoyed by the program blocking their way.
George Morrow, INTELLIGENT ACCESS, suggest that computer are in their infancy and needs many programs to help user do stuff. He suggests that in the future tings will be much easier with computers.
In the Random Access file:
+ IBM had declined profits for two consecutive years.
+ ETA10 of ETA, a super computer that is 40 times faster than Cray-2 is introduced.
Software Review with Paul Schindler: Paul demonstrated 'SERVTECH' (US$ 50.00), a program that shows you the switch setting of your switches and their location and shows you disassembly advice and where the screws where located in the IBM PC and it also provides some diagnostics and repair suggestions.
+ Microsoft removed copy protection of Excel and other Macintosh.
+ Captain Mid-night, a hacker named Pink Floyd breaks into many UNIX systems in Stanford and MIT. He is suspected to be graduate student. He notifies system admins before he break-in the system (How dare he?).
A very lengthy review, I am afraid, and it looks like a description rather than a review ;) I tried to be accurate but cannot guarantee all my statements are correct and described what is being shown in the program.
Anyways, hope it is useful and give people an idea of what is inside this episode of The Computer Chronicles. The MR programs is quite fascinating back in the 1980s (It was during 1990s for me, Yes I was too late to the party). Using MR look like magic, you presses a key and you get a calender or an editor to write a note. All that under DOS single process OS. I hoped the episode had covered SideKick from Borland and Norton Utilities from Peter Norton, but may be those programs were quite established software at that time and they wanted to show something different. Strange how all these software became obsolete within not too many years.
If you read till here, thanks a lot for your time.
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